Distribution |
Servizio di distribuzione online di release fisiche di artisti ed etichette indipendenti prog, hard rock, stoner, metal, hardcore e tutti i sottogeneri.
Possiamo inserire online le vostre release con il servizio CD ON DEMAND, copie inserite nel catalogo ma stampate solo al momento della vendita effettiva online.
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Online distribution service for physical releases from independent prog, hard rock, stoner, metal, hardcore artists and labels and all subgenres.
We can insert your releases online with the CD ON DEMAND service, copies included in the catalog but printed only at the time of actual online sale.
If you are interested in inserting your release on our online catalogue, click on SERVICE DISTRIBUZIONE buttom

Rod Sacred
Heavy Metal
Metalzone Italia 2023
Heavy Metal
Metalzone Italia 2023
18.00 €

Thrash Metal
Limited edition Vinyl
autoprodotto 2023
Thrash Metal
Limited edition Vinyl
autoprodotto 2023
25.00 €

Dunwich: self produced CD digipack
Digipack edizione limitata 300 copie con booklet 20 pagine
Digipack edizione limitata 300 copie con booklet 20 pagine
10.00 €

Armata Brancaleone: The Mon Business Tour
demo tape originale 1990
demo tape originale 1990
6.00 €

Circus Nebula: The Second Coming
Heavy Metal
CD jewel box
Andromeda Relix 2022
Heavy Metal
CD jewel box
Andromeda Relix 2022
15.00 €

Silenzio Profondo - Ritornato dall'incubo
heavy metal
CD Jewel box
Andromeda Relix 2020
heavy metal
CD Jewel box
Andromeda Relix 2020
15.00 €

Opera Oscura - disincanto
Progressive Rock
CD jewel box
Andromeda Relix 2018
Progressive Rock
CD jewel box
Andromeda Relix 2018
12.00 €

Antonio Giorgio - Golden Metal
Epic Metal
CD digipack
Andromeda Relix 2017
Epic Metal
CD digipack
Andromeda Relix 2017
12.00 €

Vetriolica _ Dichiarazione d'odio
Noise metal
CD digipack
Andromeda Relix 2017
Noise metal
CD digipack
Andromeda Relix 2017
12.00 €

Vade Aratro - Il vomere di bronzo
Thrash Metal
CD jewel box
Andromeda Relix 2016
Thrash Metal
CD jewel box
Andromeda Relix 2016
12.00 €

Cellulite Star - explicit attitude
Street punk / glam rock
CD jewel box
Andromeda Relix 2008
Street punk / glam rock
CD jewel box
Andromeda Relix 2008
12.00 €

Blondiefox - Senza Universo
jewel box
Defox Records Distribution
Eu records
jewel box
Defox Records Distribution
Eu records
14.90 €

PC Newton - the chronicles of cosmosaint
jewel box
Defox Records Distribution
Eu records
jewel box
Defox Records Distribution
Eu records
14.90 €

Enio Nicolini & The Otron
Heavy Metal
Jewel Box CD
Heavy Metal
Jewel Box CD
15.00 €